3rd Annual
Paint it Forward Nominate A Rehired Hero

At ABC Painting & Drywall LLC, we truly appreciate the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving our local community in their roles as police officers, firefighters, EMTs, Nursing staff, Home health providers and retired military personnel.

To honor and provide a little “Painting Happiness” to these heroes, we are now accepting “Paint-It-Forward” nominations for retired heroes whose homes or meeting spaces (non-profits organizations) need a fresh coat of paint.

If you know of a retired hero living in Corpus Christi, please nominate them by listing their contact information and clicking the nomination button.

Nominations will be accepted from July 4th up until September 3rd, 2018 and the winner will be announced on ABC Painting & Drywall’s Facebook Live on September 3, 2018. House will be professionally painted on Nov 10, 2018.
